- Burner RC, Golas BD, Aagaard KJ, Thogmartin WE. 2023. Marginal value analysis reveals shifting importance of migration habitat for waterfowl under a changing climate. Ecology and Evolution. (in press)
- Golas BD, Goodell B, Webb CT. 2021. Host adaptation to novel pathogen introduction: Predicting conditions that promote evolutionary rescue. Ecology Letters DOI: 10.1111/ele.13845
- Chiu E, Lee JS, Malmberg J, Fagre AC, Dannemiller NG, Stuchin M, Golas BD, Huyvaert KP. 2019. Teaching wildlife disease outbreak response through a collaborative One Health workshop. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, e20180020.
- Pepin KM, Kay SL, Golas BD, Shriner SS, Gilbert AT, Miller RS, Graham AL, Riley S, Cross PC, Samuel MD, Hooten MB, Hoeting JA, Lloyd-Smith JO, Webb CT, Behnerkempe MG. 2017. Inferring infection hazard in wildlife populations by linking data across individual and population scales. Ecology Letters DOI: 10.1111/ele.12732
- Golas BD, Cryan PM, Webb CT. (in prep) Behavioral and physiological adaptations interact to allow white nose syndrome survival in hibernating bats.
- Golas BD, Prosser D, Ramey A, Link P, Thogmartin W. (submitted) Density dependence and weather drive dabbling duck spatiotemporal distributions and intercontinental migration.
- Golas BD, Webb CT, Herzog C, Pendergast C, Pastuszek A, Cryan PM. (in revision) Predicting hibernating bat roost establishment in spatiotemporally complex hibernacula. EcoSphere.
- Golas BD, Cryan PM, Castle K, Weller T, Dewey T, Clark R, Webb C. (in revision) Ecophysiological models describe biological limits to hibernating bat behavior. Ecology.
- Golas BD, Cryan PM, Webb CT. Behavioral and physiological adaptations interact to allow white nose syndrome survival in hibernating bats. Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases 2022. Atlanta, Georgia (virtual).
- Golas B, Cryan P, Castle K, Weller T, Dewey T, Clark R, Webb C. 2021. Estimating torpor bout duration of free ranging big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus). Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases 2021. Montpellier, France (virtual).
- Golas B., Goodell B., Webb C. 2019. Limited conditions promote evolutionary rescue in highly pathogenic host-pathogen systems. Ecological Society of America 2019. Louisville, Kentucky.
- Golas B., Goodell B., Webb C. 2019. Limited conditions promote evolutionary rescue in highly pathogenic host-pathogen systems. Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases 2019. Princeton, New Jersey.
- Golas B., ECOL 592-002-SP18 Students, Webb C., Miller R. 2018. Harnessing One Health: reimagining a growing paradigm. Graduate Student Showcase 2018. Fort Collins, Colorado.
Golas B., ECOL 592-002 Students, Webb C., Miller R. 2018. What is One Health? Investigating factors of success in a growing paradigm. Poster presented at: Front Range Student Ecology Symposium 2018. Fort Collins, Colorado. - Golas B., Castle K., Webb C., Cryan P. 2017. Grab your batpacks: Measuring white-nose syndrome-affected bats’ hibernation conditions. Poster presented at: Graduate Student Showcase 2017. Fort Collins, Colorado.
- Golas B., Goodell B., Antolin M., Webb C. 2017. Paper presented at: Evolution of resistance to plague in wild host populations. Ecological Society of America 2017. Portland, Oregon.
- Golas B, Shriner S, Kay S, Pepin K, Webb C. 2016. Dynamics of antibody response to avian influenza in mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). Poster presented at: Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases. Ithaca, New York.
- Golas B, Shriner S, Kay S, Pepin K, Webb C. 2016. Dynamics of antibody response to avian influenza in mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). Paper presented at: Front Range Student Ecology Symposium 2016. Fort Collins, Colorado.
- Steinagel A, Toddes B, Ialeggio D, Golas B. 2015. An analysis of vitamin C supplementation in drinking water for giant elephant shrews (Rhynchocyon petersi) at the Philadelphia Zoo. Paper presented at: Nutritional Advisory Group 2015 Proceedings. Portland, Oregon.
- Buckles E, Moore M, Reichard J, Golas B, Hulme K, Kunz T. 2010. Histology of the temporal progression of WNS and comparison of the PHA response of bats with and without WNS. Paper presented at: 2010 White-nose Syndrome Symposium. Pittsburgh, Pennslvania.